Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Market

A market could be described in simple words as a place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and/or services. In this context the market does not have to take a physical location. This has been made possible by advances in technology where it’s now possible to sell/by goods and or services over the telephone or through the internet.There are different types of markets and these markets are determined by many factors. In general we have two broad categories of markets; these are the industrial markets and consumer markets.Consumer MarketsConsumer markets are the markets for products and services bought by individuals for their own or family or domestic use. Goods bought in consumer markets can be categorised in several ways:†¢ Fast-moving consumer goods (â€Å"FMCG's†)†¢ Consumer durables†¢ Soft goods†¢ Services (e.g. hairdressing, dentists, childcare)Industrial MarketsIndustrial markets involve the sale of goods between businesses. These ar e goods that are not aimed directly at consumers. Industrial markets include†¢ Selling finished goods†¢ Selling raw materials or components†¢ Selling services to businessesIndustrial markets often require a slightly different marketing strategy and mixOrganization and Regulation:In every kind of market situation mistakes just like in the public sector can and do occur. When governments fail we call it government failure but when markets fail we call it market failure. Of course, most deviations from the ideal are minor and do not impose significant costs on society. But when deviations are significant there is often a call for government to do something about the problem. For example, markets can deviate significantly from the competitive ideal — e.g., firms may acquire significant market power, undertake deceptive practices or collude like cartels in order to make abnormal profits.When it comes to regulation and organization of markets there are usually a few goals that every industry and or government wants to achieve. These include consumer protection (from sub-standard or harmful products), price controls (to prevent over exploitation of consumers and unhealthy competition), prevent counterfeiting and black market trading. In essence thus regulation involves administrative guidance of the market in order to make it more efficient.By efficiency we mean Economic efficiency and Economic efficiency is something much more than producing goods at the lowest possible cost. It involves providing individuals with the goods and services they desire, in the quantities, qualities, places, and times they desire them, with the least use of society's scarce resources. Economists argue that if markets are competitive, if accurate information is available, if resources are mobile, and if individuals engaging in the transactions bear the full costs and receive the full benefits of their transactions, economic efficiency will be achieved.Regulation can either be internal or external. Internal regulation usually involves regulation within the industry especially in the field of competition. External regulation involves control through government policies.External regulation includes:Social Regulation.This involves government regulation to contain negative externalities. Environmental problems, like pollution and congestion, are hard to solve[1]. Due to this governments come up with measures to control this, these measures include: Rights to pollute and rights to use highways.Rights to PolluteCreating rights to pollute the air can – paradoxically – help to control pollution. A â€Å"right-to-pollute† solution for pollution control defines a right to pollute and allows that right to be bought and sold. In essence these rights are limited this makes their prices high. In order to avoid paying these huge amounts firms instead install pollution abatement equipments and these help reduce overall pollution.This means that the level of allowable pollution can be specified, as we now do for instance to limit sulphur dioxide emissions in the United States to combat acid rain.[2] Once pollution rights are defined and a given supply is established, a market price can be determined. Then those who can reduce pollution most efficiently, that is, for less than the value of a right to pollute, will reduce pollution and sell their rights to pollute to others. Those who face higher pollution abatement costs can buy the pollution rights and use them for permission to emit pollution.Thus, at market equilibrium, the price of pollution rights reflects the marginal cost of controlling pollution to the level that the available pollution rights will allow.Rights to Highway UseWe pay no price for highway use. We incur the private cost of a vehicle trip between two points, including not only fuel, oil, tire wear, and so on, but also the driver's (and passengers') time, and when congestion is serious that time compo nent goes up.[3] The familiar problem of excessive traffic congestion arises because each of us decides whether to make a highway trip on the basis of the average cost rather than the marginal cost of the trip to society.[4] An additional car can join a stream of cars on the highway and it will share in the average costs and delays of all the other cars. Yet that marginal vehicle causes delays to all the others, delays that the driver of the marginal vehicle does not take into account when joining the traffic stream.A solution to the highway congestion problem can come from assigning a property right in road use — a right to delay others, like the right to pollute. Electronic devices exist now that will record time spent on a road. When placed in vehicles, these devices function like the electricity meter in your house, but they identify the time and location of your road use[5]. Technology and economics combine in these devices to make billing drivers for road use feasible, and that can avoid excessive congestion.Such devices and fees are in effective use in Singapore[6] and many of us should expect to see them in our lifetimes. There are many other areas where social regulationWas introduced in clumsy forms – consumer protection for example – that are improving gradually, based on economicIdeas that improve information and market function.Economic regulation.Economic regulation in many markets has taken a form whereby the number of firms in an industry is determined by the government and the markets firms can serve are specified by the regulatory commission. Prices and rates of return are regulated and, importantly, entry into the industry is either forbidden or made very difficult by law. Thus economic regulation maybe in the form of antitrust laws or price fixation. In antitrust cases, courts follow either â€Å"per se† rules, under which certain facts determine guilt or innocence, or they examine circumstances more broadly and follow a â€Å"rule of reason† analysis, to determine the appropriateness of the observed behaviour.The per se procedure is quicker and easier, and of course it gives more precise guidelines to business firms, but it requires what lawyers call â€Å"bright line,† or clear, rules. The disadvantage of such per se rules is that they may be over or under inclusive. The alternative, rule-of-reason, analysis allows courts to examine the circumstances of each case. It is in these rule of reason analyses that economics is applied far better now than in the past.Limitations of regulation:  Regulation leads to increased costs of conducting business. The direct and indirect costs of regulation result in higher prices and increased costs of employing workers. These costs act as a tax on job creation and employment. They also cause a decrease in productivity. The higher business costs that result from regulation are passed along to consumers in the form of higher prices (indirect taxation). To the extent that lower income individuals spend a greater proportion of their income on the goods and services affected, the higher prices are in essence a form of regressive taxation.[7]Conclusion:The organization and or regulation of any market has its ups and down. Markets and governments always fail from time to time. Due to this a harmonious relation needs to exist between the government and industries. This requires that where regulation leads to increased.Reference:Ellerman, A. Denny, et al. (2000) Markets for clean air: The U.S. acid rain program, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Mills, David E. 1981. Ownership arrangements and congestion-prone facilities. American Economic Review 71: 493-502.Phang, Sock-Young, and Mukul G. Asher. 1997. Recent developments in Singapore's motor vehicle policies. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 31: 205-25.Roger Sherman, The Future of Market Regulation available a: www.seapres.wp8.htm.Sherman, Roger. 1967. A private ownership bias in transit choice. American Economic Review 57: 1211-17.Sherman, Roger. 1971. Congestion interdependence and urban transit fares. Econometrica 39: 565-76.Theriault III, Rene J. 1999. The congestion crisis: An evaluation of traffic and congestion remedies for the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Undergraduate thesis, University of Virginia.[1] Roger Sherman, The Future of Market Regulation available a:www.seapres.wp8.htm[2] Ellerman, A. Denny, et al. 2000. Markets for clean air: The U.S. acid rain program, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress. [3] Sherman, Roger. 1967. A private ownership bias in transit choice. American Economic Review 57: 1211-17. [4] Mills, David E. 1981. Ownership arrangements and congestion-prone facilities. American Economic Review 71: 493-502. [5] Theriault III, Rene J. 1999. The congestion crisis: An evaluation of traffic and congestion remedies for the Washington,DC metropolitan area. Undergraduate thesis, University of Virginia. [6] Phang, Sock-Young, and Mukul G. Asher. 1997. Recent developments in Singapore's motor vehicle policies. Journal ofTransport Economics and Policy 31: 205-25. [7] Web article available

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Inequalities of Race and Ethnicity Essay

With more than six billion people in this world, with a huge variety of human shapes, colors and sizes can race really be defined? As people spread across the world. Mixing among each other creating new kinds of faces there is no true race. But people such as Hitler believed that the Aryans where the superior race responsible got the cultural achievements in Europe and that they has to stop â€Å"racial contamination† that would come from breeding with inferior races by destroying them. Which caused the slaughtering of those deemed inferior: Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, slaves, and people with disabilities. It didn’t stop here, you’d think the world would try to make a difference but as Hitler era was fading, the â€Å"ethnic cleansing† by Serbs in Bosnia, the mass killings of Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994 were and are stilling taking place years after Hitler. What these people failed to see is that there is no â€Å"pure race†. People show such a mixture of physical characteristics ? in skin color, hair textures, body shapes, eye color, height, weight and so on that there can not be a â€Å"pure race†. Our characteristics follow endlessly together, the mapping of genome system shows that were strikingly homogenous. Although large groups of people can be classified by blood type and gene frequencies they still cannot be classified as a race. The idea of a race in far from a myth, its embedded in our culture, it is part of our everyday lives. Sociologist D. S. Thomas observed that if people define situations as real, they’re real in their consequences in other words, people define situations as real, they’re real in their consequences in other words, people act on beliefs, not facts. As a result to that we will always have people like Hitler who feel that killing people that they believe is inferior is perfectly fine.Incidents such as the above still happen in today’s world but they are hidden from the public eye, what isn’t hidden and does continue toady seems as if no one is trying to make a difference is prejudice and discrimination, a war that will never stop. Prejudice can be defined as a prejudging of some sort, discrimination on the other hand can be defined as an action, and unfair treatment directed against someone on basis of their age, sex, height, origin, marital status, education, income, religion, etc, but when its due to race we usually call it racism. Why are people prejudices? The common sense answer is that people may have had a negative experience with a member of the other group. But Psychologists such as Eugene Hartley (1946) made studies showing that its more than just an old incident, his studies showed that prejudice against all other groups as well. Social scientists have developed several theories to explain prejudice; there are two types of theories, Scapegoat, and the Authoritarian Personality. People who are unable to release there stress to the source usually tend to release it on other people and they tend to find someone to blame their mishaps on and this usually becomes their scapegoat, often a racial, ethnic, or religious minority that they unfairly blame for their troubles. The other theory is The Authoritarian Personality Theodor Adorno’s term for people who are prejudice and rank high on scales of conformity, intolerance, insecurity, respect for authority, and submissive to superiors. Sociologists find these theories to be inadequate, they stress that the key to find prejudice is from the outside not form within. Sociologists focus on how some environments foster prejudice, while other discourages it. Sociologists have a few theories; Hitler used Functionalism, he hired Fritz Hippler, a Nazi intellectual was put in charge of the entire German film industry and he was told to create anti-Semitist, and he did by producing movies that compared Jews to rates, that their breeding would contaminate their â€Å"pure breed†. You can see that prejudice is functional and it creates in-group solidarity, and destroys human relationships. Conflict Theory- a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups competing for scarce resource. Symbolic interactionism examines how people’s labels affect perception and create prejudice. When we apply a label to a group we tend to see its members as all alike, this leads to stereotyping and discrimination and may even create a depicted behavior. Symbolic interaction shows that were not born to a â€Å"race†, and ethic group where we lean beliefs, values; we learn to perceive them negatively or positively. If discrimination is common in our groups, we learn to practice it commonly. Discrimination is like a learned skill if you practice it enough you won’t even realize you using it. William Julius Wilson, a sociologist, argues that social class has become important that race is determine the life chances of African Americans. Prior to the Civil War African Americans were excluded from everything that could help you advance in life and become wealthy. As African Americans moved out of the inner cities, as legislators began opening doors for African Americans, as a result they were able to get better paying jobs, live a middle-class life, but those who were left behind in the inner cities they were trapped in poverty. I believe that people choose their way of life, yes it is true that things may be harder for an African American or a Latino person, but things are hard for everyone in their own individual ways. I do believe that in today’s world things aren’t based on race in some places yes but as from what I see I believe its based on your social class, who you are, who you know, where you work, and how much money you have, that’s what I believe matters in today’s society. Although sociologists like Charles Willie, states that even African Americans do the same work as whites, whites average higher pay than African American, he argues that it racial discrimination not social discrimination. He states that we need to provide more jobs for the people in the inner cities; with more jobs there’s more hope in inner cities and an anchor to a responsible life. But being richer for an African American is still a problem because certain people start assuming things for example an African American person driving a new car a cop tends to find reason to pull them over, just to make sure the car isn’t stolen. Both sociologists have a strong point of view, but I also do have my own view in prejudice and discrimination. In today’s society minority groups have a better chance to achieve their goals, for example everyone can attend the same college, travel the country, eat in the same place and even be best friends with someone of a different ethnicity, while this is taken for granted I honestly think it’s a beautiful thing. Prejudice and discrimination is a war that will be fought through out ones life regardless, of their race, color, size, height or social status. As we flash back we see that discrimination has always been around in all different forms. We, as the human race need to focus on not judging people before we know them for who they are. Today, there are so many type of people in the world that stereotyping are always incorrect. If everyone in the world had respect for one another we would live in peace and be able to let others believe in what they wish and except everyone’s differences. If we teach our children and change our ways, sometime in our future we will be closer to accepting that a man’s character is based upon content of his soul, not his color, ethnicity, or their religion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nursing Children and Childbearing Families Essay

Nursing Children and Childbearing Families - Essay Example Q1d: The use of folic acid during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects (NTDs) in the baby by 75% (Atrash, Johnson, Adams, Cordero, & Howse, 2006). Since NTDs occur between the 20th to 28th day after conception, and it takes time for adequate stores of folic acid to build up in the body and a large proportion of pregnancies are unplanned, folic acid supplementation should begin atleast 4 weeks prior to a planned pregnancy (Iqbal, 2000; Jaquier, 2007; Czeizel & Dudas, 1992). Q2a: Some important functions of the placenta include gaseous exchange, excretion, provision of nutrients and metabolic substrates for the fetus and endocrine functions, i.e. production and secretion of several hormones (Benirschke & Kaufmann, 2000). Q2b: One of the most important functions of the human placenta is gaseous exchange, i.e. to serve as the lungs for the fetus. The placenta transfers oxygen-rich blood from the mother to the fetus and returns blood high in carbondioxide a nd other gases back to the mother’s body where it can be re-oxygenated via the mother’s lungs. ... The placenta also facilitates the transfer of all nutrient substances from the maternal body to the fetus which are required during growth and development (Benirschke & Kaufmann, 2000). Lastly, the placenta is involved in the production and secretion of several hormones such as hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), hPL (human placental lactogen) and placental GH (growth hormone), all of which are required not only for the sustained maintenance of the placenta but also to provide the required stimuli for the growth and maturation of different organ systems within the fetus (Guibourdenche, Fournier, Malassine, & Evain-Brion, 2009). Q3a: For the newborn, breast milk is the source of all the essential nutrients required for the optimal growth and nutrition, including proteins, carbohydrates and fats (Henderson & Scobbie, 2006). Moreover, all these nutrients are present in the correct proportions and quantities needed for the baby during different stages of growth and development as the com position of breast milk changes over time. Breastfeeding also confers protection against a variety of infectious diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, otitis media and urinary tract infections (Henderson & Scobbie, 2006). Breastfeeding is advantageous for the mother too. It has been found to help in the involution of the uterus post-delivery via stimulating oxytocin medicated uterine contractions (Henderson & Scobbie, 2006). It also acts as a natural contraceptive, helping to increase child spacing via causing lactational amenorrhea. From a psychological perspective, breastfeeding has been shown to decrease the levels of anxiety in the mother and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An audit of anaemia in haemodialysis patients Essay

An audit of anaemia in haemodialysis patients - Essay Example According to the NICE guidelines, published by the Royal College of Physicians, "Conventionally anaemia is defined as a haemoglobin concentration lower than[normal as defined by WHO]. This cut-off figure ranges from 11 grams per decilitre (g/dl) for pregnant women and for children between 6 months and 5 years of age, to 12 g/dl for non-pregnant women, and to 13 g/dl for men."1 "In 2002, Hsu et. al. analyzed data from the Third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES III) (n=15,837) and found low iron indices to be frequently present at all levels of reduced creatinine clearance (CrCl)."2 Additionally, "[m]ore than 50% of CKD patients with an[a]emia were iron deficient, as indicated by serum ferritin 13 g/dl, but that there was no evidence either way for intermediate levels (11.5-13 g/dl) in comparison with higher or lower levels."5 One may wonder if particular medications can cause someone to become anaemic. "Some patients react to drugs because of inherited susceptibility, such as patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency. G-6-PD is an important enzyme that buffers the mature red cell against oxidative stress. In individuals who are deficient in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

President review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

President review - Essay Example His family shifted to Augusta located in Georgia, a year after he was born. In 1870, they moved to Columbia and then later moved to Wilmington in the year 1884. It was then that Woodrow later drop his first name, Thomas. He received his early education from ex-Confederate soldiers who had attempted to set up some schools after the end times of Civil war. His father taught him religion, British history, and literature. After attaining sixteen years of age, Woodrow attended Davidson College, located in North Carolina. One year later, he dropped out of college because of his health condition. In the year 1875, Wilson attended a College of New Jersey known as Princeton University. He then graduated in 1879. The same year, he enrolled at the University of Virginia to study law but dropped out of school again due to his numerous personal reasons. After going back to his home, he continued studying law (Burrage 54). Woodrow later set up a legal practice with a fellow scholar who hailed from the University of Virginia in the year 1882 and he eventually passed the Georgia Bar Exam. Woodrow later abandoned the practice of law and legal system and decided to finish his education at the John Hopkins University located in Baltimore. He was enrolled as a graduate in political science and history and in the year 1986, he earned his PH.D. With his numerous research study and analysis, he published the dissertation termed as Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics. The dissertation transparently argued about the power that the congressional government posses over a weak postwar Presidency and that for a constitutional transformation of powers separation between the President and Congress with that of the British Parliament. Wilson Woodrow was a professor and became a president of Princeton in the year 1902. He also inspired and acted as a catalyst in the movements of civil rights and freedom.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organisational and leadership management (Tesco PLC) Essay

Organisational and leadership management (Tesco PLC) - Essay Example As far as Tesco is concerned, it is placed in a very competitive and challenging industry, that of the retail business. The retail business is a very high selling business, since it involves selling items of daily use. Tesco in the next 0-10 years, will be faced with a lot of new challenges. In the world of business, no organization can remain stagnant and stay where it is. Rather, it has to constantly keep on moving and face the challenges that the unstable environment has to offer. The challenges that Tesco might face in the near future is that it might be challenged by their competitors if they merged together to form a cartel or another organization. Other challenges can be to keep prices low, despite the various tactics that are often used by the retailers to coax the consumers into a tight corner. Examples of such tactics are price fixing. In such times of change and crisis, effective leadership will be essential for Tesco. It would have to have expert power within the company to manage the challenges that is would face. Expert power comes from the expertise possessed by the manger, and the value and need of this expertise within the organization. This expertise is a result of the manager’s special skills, knowledge, abilities and/or previous experience.

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Business Strategy - Essay Example In 1993 Samsung launched SH-700 which was a smaller and sleeker mobile phone with better sound quality. Moreover, Samsung Mobile also got into aggressive marketing, so it captured half of the mobile market share, which was previously ruled by Motorola. Organizational Culture Samsung follows a simple philosophy to devote their technology and talent in order to create better-quality products and services. They prefer to hire skilled workforce and bright talents around the world; and offer them all the resources that they require to utilize their skills. Samsung follows a strict code of value in the organization. Firstly, they comply with the ethical standards and the laws; secondly, customers are always respected; thirdly a clean organization culture is followed; fourthly, focus towards cresting eco-friendly and healthy products have been always there and lastly, the company is always socially responsible for the society. Creativity, hard-work and intelligence are valued at Samsung (Sa msung, 2011). Success Factors Samsung is successful because of three major factors, namely design, technology and branding. The company invests heavily in research and development activities in digital technology, by employing scientists around the world. The LCD, plasma display, innovative cell phones, voice recognition technology, speech converted into text technology are a few developments that the Samsung labs have offered to the world. It is also a world leader in production of memory chips, and the creator of the first 1 megabit chip in the world. Samsung is also the largest producer of SRAM and DRAM chips in the world. The Galaxy S series is the turning point for Samsung Mobile because it has given stiff competition to the market leader in the smart phone segment, Apple Inc. This is the reason why this product has been chosen for this study. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS In this section, the critical success factors of Samsung would be discussed in details in order to evaluate the competencies of Samsung in terms of its product range, strategic capabilities, new products and competitor analysis. Product Range This study would focus on the Samsung Galaxy brand mobile, as the company entered the smart phone market with Galaxy brand to compete with market leaders such as Motorola, Nokia, Apple, HTC, and others. Samsung expanded the product portfolio under the Galaxy brand name. Under the product line of Galaxy, Samsung launched Galaxy S, Galaxy S II & S III, Galaxy Note I, II, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Ace, and Galaxy Nexus. The Galaxy S series was launched to directly compete with Apple’s IPhones. Samsung Galaxy S series supports the Android operating system, which is another competence that has given stiff competition to Nokia which uses Symbian and Windows operating system, while Apple uses iOS. Strategic Capabilities The Galaxy S series is a reflection of enhanced design and technology of Samsung. The new Samsung Galaxy S III has been launched with the new version of the Android platform called Jelly Beans. This means that the strategy of Samsung is to bring out the most innovative technology in the market through its

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Efficient Markets Theory and Behavioural Finance Essay

Efficient Markets Theory and Behavioural Finance - Essay Example In this theory, therefore, assumptions are done perpetuating that the information organisation and the behaviour of market participants systematically control individuals’ decisions in investment and the outcomes of the market. According to (Malkiel, 2003) the efficient market theory, has implications of theoretical perspectives to the market trends, while it ignores or underestimates the practical perception of the market. On the other hand, the behavioural finance theory has been thought of being more practical based and focused on people’s behaviour (Ashta & Patil, 2007). Following the event of the financial crises in 2007 to 2010, contention has developed amongst various authors on its implication to the popularity of the already criticised efficient markets theory and its contribution to the upsurge of the prevailing interest in behavioural finance theory. This paper compares and contrasts the explanations of efficient market theory and behavioural finance with reg ard to the financial crisis 2007 to 2010 and identifies the explanation considered to be strongest. The efficient market theory upholds the notion of the randomness in stock prices, based on short-run serial relationships amid successive changes in stock prices (Malkiel, 2003). Such was the case in the year 2001 when the US economy experienced a recession, followed by a boom that led to the dotcom bubble, and accounting scandals. The behavioural market theory regarded such occurrences in a different way from that of the efficient market theory, in that, the fears in individuals’ mind of a recession were considerable. Therefore, in regard to the recession in 2001 being disregarded, the stock market was thought of as not having a memory of the way the price of a stock behaved in the past, so as to determine its future behaviour. The randomness inefficient market theory is questionable, due to the high frequencies with which successive moves towards the same direction occurred in the period of 2001 and 2003 when subprime mortgage grew from 2001 to 2005.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Immigration to the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Immigration to the United States - Essay Example Rather than live as de facto slaves on European estates they moved to America where they could be free. There were clear implications for America, but often obscured ones for Europe too. Another important point that Handlin makes in Chapter 1 involves the process of what can only be called natural selection. The passage from Europe to America was a harsh one. Only the stronger survived it. He writes that the features that allowed for success were more than physical; the ability to adapt mentally and socially were vital. Also in Chapter 1, Bodnar takes issue with the notion that immigrants had a monolithic approach to adapting to the new American life. Every individual and family found their own path. Some called themselves Americans right away and embraced the American capitalist ethic. Others spent generations finding their place. Similarly, as is explained dramatically in Chapter 2, Africa changed too because of â€Å"immigration† to America. Coastal Africans were abducted a nd sailed far across the sea to other lands. It is hard to know due to the dearth of information how this effected these African communities, but the consequences must surely have been devastating.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Spy Virus Linked to Israel Targeted Hotels Article

Spy Virus Linked to Israel Targeted Hotels - Article Example Moreover, Israeli has previously targeted events attended by prominent world leaders, and the fact that the virus was also in computers utilized in the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Nazi death camp confirmed the suspicion that Israeli was behind the cyber attack. Even so, the degree of sophistication of the virus has made it difficult for security experts to determine what kind of information the hackers stole. In fact, security experts estimate that it could take ten adept computer scientists â€Å"more than two years to build such a clean copycat† (Entous and Yadron, 2015). Overall, Kaspersky is relentlessly attempting to study the manner in which this sophisticated virus works before embarking on a mission to establish powerful antivirus programs to protect customers from cyber security vulnerability. Cyber criminality has been around for a long time. However, what is striking is that hackers are taking their ‘game’ to a completely new level. Hac kers have come to learn that by targeting security companies, they can learn quite a great deal about internet defenses. For instance, Kaspersky was a victim to the attack since the Israeli had a hint that Kaspersky antivirus programs protected the networks and computers in the target hotels. Following a successful attack on Kaspersky, it would be easy for the hackers to spy on their desired information. Verdonck (2015) affirms that hackers target the most vulnerable links in the company, who are the people. Kaspersky was no exception.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Physical Security Essay Example for Free

Physical Security Essay Securing networks or systems within institutions and corporations is not enough. At present, security is not only concerned with the ethereal aspect of it but also with the tangible dynamics of physical security. Although physical security seems too basic, establishing even the most sophisticated network security is useless if its physical environment does not keep it sheltered and protected. Security threats that have something to do with the physical aspect of institutions include burglary and theft. In this case, even the most established digital security system that functions within the computer networks will not be able to prevent these crimes. A breach in physical security makes the network or digital system of the institution susceptible to power interruptions that disrupts the security system, addition of hardware devices that may used to hack or spy into the system, removal of hardware devices that paralyzes the system, copying confidential data from the system through USBs, CDs, and such, logging in the system directly without authorization, etc. Stewart, 2004) The importance of high standard physical security systems and policies ensure that aforementioned situations that seek to jeopardize the position of institutions that might affect all its aspects, especially its finances, are avoided. Having a secure digital system is impressive, but having a secure digital system and physical environment is highly recommended. To uphold high quality standards of security, both the digital and physical aspects of security should be merged. Sturgeon (2004) defines this as marrying digital and physical security. Physical security involves the use of high-tech gadgets such as cameras that will be used for close monitoring, 24-hour video coverage and storage, video recording triggered by movements, wireless and mobile installments within the physical environment, etc. (Physical Security, 2008) The physical security approach is based on four principles or strategies. First, physical security follows the necessity of protecting the network or institution, detecting security threats and possible risks, responding to these threats and risks, and allowing recovery for the network or institution from damages or indemnities brought about by security breaches. This process requires setting up of security systems that will accomplish these four phases of protecting (with the use of controlled access systems that restricts involvement of the public to authorized personnel only), detecting (using surveillance systems and frequent check-up of the physical areas of institutions), responding (well-trained security officials and network protocols that carry out these responses to security threats and risks), and recovering. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) Second, physical security builds up on hierarchical zones that protect or safeguard access to the security system. These hierarchical zones include the public zone (areas accessible to the public), reception zone (area wherein the boundary between the public and restricted zones is determined), operations zone (areas private to personnel), security zone (areas private to only authorized personnel or visitors), and the high security zone (areas private to authorized and escorted personnel or visitors). Within these zones, technological facilities and security officials are installed and designated respectively to carry out four phases in the previous approach discussed. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) The third approach in physical security is controlling access to determined hierarchical zones. This approach has something to do with controlling access most especially to restricted areas. It does not only control individual access, but is also concerned with the entry of materials considered to be potentially threatening or risky to security, such as mobile phones and other technological gadgets, harmful objects such as knives, guns, and such, etc. Although institutions should consider this approach in physical security, controlling access should not limit or restrict authorized individuals too much, allowing them ease in visiting each zone within the institution. Aside from security officials designated at every zone, there should also be systems that carry out state-of-the-art security protocols, such as technologies installed within the institution that asks for PIN or access numbers, access cards, biometrics, etc. Fourth, physical security systems should be designed to increase security levels in times of emergency or security threats. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) These four approaches, as recommended by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat follow the requirements of a strong and efficient physical security system. The concepts supported by these four approaches suggest how physical security systems and policies should be established in order to ensure that it will serve its purpose. However, accomplishing all the requirements in establishing a physical security system and a set of policies is not enough. Institutions should make sure that these elements of security are assessed and evaluated to ensure that it is properly sustained and it is up-to-date with trends in security technologies and processes. Part of the evaluation process includes frequent training and drills for security officials, checking-in with technological innovations that improve quality of security measures and systems, and observing existing systems to determine much-needed replacements or tweaks. With all these information in mind, physical security is a vital part in institutions that should not be neglected nor taken lightly. It complements digital network security systems, such that it prevents it from being jeopardized or subjected to external control, manipulation, and possible damages that affects the operations within the institution. Establishing a solid physical security system require that all aspects of the physical environment within an institution is identified. Mapping out requires that the institution determines where security is most needed and where access is most likely to be controlled. Aside from going over the basics and technical details of physical security systems, institutions should provide time and effort to evaluate the system in order to ensure that it functions efficiently according to its purpose, and that it meets the highest requirements of quality standard physical security.

The Meaning of Life -Opinion Essay Example for Free

The Meaning of Life -Opinion Essay My beliefs on the meaning of life in religion and interpretation of such things. In approaching the question of the meaning of life we have to examine the nature of meaning itself. Meaning, is by definition the point, or the intended goal. Consider the point of humans and the universe as seen from monotheistic religion. If life and the universe is some sort of toy or form of entertainment for some greater being, his point, his own entertainment, would then be the meaning of humans and the universe. Consider the goals of the deities of various cultures. Some strive for a balance between the forces of good and evil. This balance seems to simply be a choice of the deity, the way he thinks it ought to be. The concept of a greater being as a source of the meaning of life is flawed, because in talking about an actual point to absolutely everything, we are simply considering the goals of a being more powerful than ourselves who has chosen one of many possible goals that humans can conceive. This is to say that, if a god like this exists, his goal for life and the universe is not necessarily valid as a meaning of life, the universe, and himself. For instance, the Bible claims that the Christian deity created the universe and placed humans in it that they might be in awe of his power. If this is so, why is worship the correct response? The meaning of the universe as created by God is the entertainment of God, but what is the meaning of the larger system containing God and his creations? We could conceive of an even greater being, but that simply takes us all the way back into the wall of infinite regression. When I first read the Bible, it struck me as neutral on the idea of worship. The Bible flat out tells you that God created humans so that they would be in awe of him, which amounts to saying God created us to inflate his ego. We are to God as our pets are to ourselves, sources of unconditional love. In the book of Job, God essentially makes a gentlemans bet with Satan that Jobs worship is genuine and not inspired by Gods kindness. In other words, you throw a rock at my dog and Ill swing my arm so it looks I threw it, and well see if he still comes when I call him. In the end, Job is not simply the dog, because he questions Gods throwing of the rock. Gods response is consistent with his goal of inspiring awe. Even though the idea of a bet with Satan is well within Jobs grasp, God claims that his purpose was inconceivable to Job. God is simply fortifying the concept that is critical to the continuance of human worship: that with inconceivable power comes incredible intelligence and unknowable purpose. The narrator of the Bible, which is supposedly God himself, speaking through humans, never directly says that he should be worshipped. This is merely the interpretation of humans, who may be created in Gods image with one crucial difference, the need to worship. Perhaps then, God is after the meaning of life. Imagine a being so powerful as to be able to create and mold the universe, who, like Roman and Greek gods, is only marginally more intelligent than his creations. Perhaps God, in all his ridiculous power, cannot change himself. In order to find the meaning of his own existence he creates the human race so that we might evolve to an intelligence greater than his own, in much the same way that a computer programmer wishes to create true AI, an intelligence greater than human, which might evolve within a computer. We are given the title of pet and the instinct of worship while the creator waits for a companion in the search for meaning. Of course this is wrong, or I would have been struck by a lightning bolt during that last sentence and brought to Gods side. Or perhaps God is not aware of his own success yet, or perhaps I am not the first to uncover Gods purpose, and my predecessor is debating meaning with God as we speak. Or perhaps I am intended to continue to search from the perspective that has proved so useful. In any case, this may amount to Christianity being a giant misunderstanding. At the very least, it means I can walk up to a Christian, tell him I believe in God and everything in the Bible, and ask him what the candles and the cathedrals are for. Back again to the one and only point: if a meaning exists it is not necessarily the purpose of our creation or existence. It has a larger scope, and can refer to the meaning of the existence of the being or force creating us, if such a force exists. This whole essay may seem simply a chance to bash Christianity and give intelligence even more of a right to inspire ego. Yet is it not the egotistical nature that is present in celebrating the most God-like trait in man, his intelligence, more forgivable and less blinding than the egotististical nature of comparing the meaning of ourselves to the meaning of the universe?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mauritius Islands As A Destination

Mauritius Islands As A Destination The destination marketing plan will be based on a small island, which is not even visible on the world map, called Mauritius. It is a volcanic island of lagoons and beaches in the Indian Ocean, it is known for its stability and racial harmony among its blend of population. It is an island situated at about 900 kilometres east of Madagascar and about 3,943 kilometres south-west of India. (Blunt 2005) It has more that 150 kilometres of beaches and the lagoon is protected by the worlds third largest coral reef. Its population is estimated to 1,2 million which forms a blend of cultures from India, Africa, Europe and China. Mauritius was discovered by a Portuguese sailor, Don Pedro Mascarenhas. It was occupied by the Dutch (1598 1710), French (1715 1810) and British (1810 1968). It gained its independence on the 12th March 1968 and its Republic status on 12th March 1992. It has a democracy based on the British democracy. The currency used there is the Mauritian Rupee, made up of 100cents and its capital city is Port Louis. The Mauritian economy is dependent upon the textile, tourism and sugar industry. Currently the destination is attracting tourist mainly from European Countries and the destinations current mission to keep its loyal customer and promote in countries where people are not aware of Mauritius as a tourist destination. They want to maintain the image of Mauritius as being a paradise to their current markets. The Destination would want to regain the French market following the chikunguya disease, to attract more tourists from American countries and become the number one tourist destination in the Indian Ocean. Jobber (2004:210) defines segmentation as the identification of individuals or organizations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy. In other words it means dividing a segment into sub-segments because customers differ in tastes, needs, attitudes, lifestyles, family size and composition. Identifying these submarkets will help the destination to serve its customers with similar requirements efficiently and effectively. The more a destination knows about its customers the better they will be able to satisfy their needs. A segment is identified by dividing them according to the purpose of travel, the buyers need/motivations and benefits sought, the buyers behaviour, their psychographic profile, the price of the ticket and the demographic, economic and geographic profile. The identified segments for Mauritius were people aged 25 and upwards with a medium to high income per year, because the price of a ticket for the destination is around  £600  £700 and the life cycle identified was newly married couples, full nest II, empty nest I and empty nest II. It has been found that it is mostly leisure tourists that come to the destinations and their motivation honeymoon, young married couple seeking paradise for their honeymoons, looking for a quiet place, this applies to retired people, families willing to escape the European winter and seeking sea and beach holiday, individuals seeking for water- sports and tourist coming for cultural interest. Most of the tourists coming to Mauritius are Loyal and spend a lot during their stay. Regarding price, tourists are quite sensitive to this variable when the price is high less tourist travel to the destination when the price is reduced more tourists travel. Price is also an indicator of the perceived quality, s o when playing with the price variable one should be careful of the quality that it is going to reflect. Market Positioning Position is about the perceived image of the destination by customers compared to other nearby destinations. Customers has this perceived image of Mauritius being paradise when they look at the brochure and see the white sandy beaches and the turquoise ocean. This perceived image would help to make the island the number one destination in the Indian Ocean. Marketing Mix/branding image The marketing mix is defined as a combination of controllable variables that can be used to achieve the desired levels of sales in target markets. This combination is known as the 4 Ps, which includes product, price, place and promotion. Product In terms of the tourism industry, the product covers the complete experience from the time a tourist reaches their destination to the time he/she leaves. Therefore the tourism product is a mixture of attraction and facilities at the destination, facility and destination. The role of marketing is to increase awareness of the product, improve their presentation and their delivery to customers. One has to bear in mind that when a customer buys a tourism product they are actually buying the expectation of benefits; it is the benefits that are the product. Thus the product should match customers needs. The tourism product comprises of five components: Destination attractions and environment Destination facilities and services Accessibility of the destination Images of the destination Price to the consumer (Middleton 1994) The destinations approach to the product mix will be doing a market research to see what customer perceptions of the product are and used the information meet their needs. It can also be done on non-users to see what attraction or facilities the destination will need to build up. To attract more customers the destination will introduce packages made by tour operators such as when tourists staying in certain hotels they will have free admission at certain attraction. This type of package will particularly suit families. Extending the usage of the products will help to achieve this strategy as well, such as offering one free night to customers if they are staying for a weekend. The destination could also introduce an airline, like Ryanair in Europe, which would do flights in the Indian Ocean only, such as flights from Mauritius to other island in the Indian Ocean at a low price. Price Tourism businesses deal with different segments at the same time and they frequently use different price for the different segments. Pricing is a very complex decision due to the high degree of competition and the inaccuracy in forecasting levels of demand. It may vary not only because of the industrys characteristics but also due to other factors such as weather, terrorism and strikes. There exists no universal way of pricing, price will always vary. Pricing acts as an indicator of quality, thus it can be used to assess quality before purchase. The characteristics that affect pricing are the following: Perishability: Intensive capital investment Cost of intensive staff employed Customers characteristics Regarding pricing the destination will use a low pricing strategy at the beginning to encourage long-run demands, capture market share from competitors and discourage any potential new entrant to enter the market. If it is observed that there is a high proportion frequent customer, this means that the customers are satisfied with the product and customer loyalty has been created. Then price could be raised at a reasonable level to maximise profits. The price could also be lowered during off-peak season to attract customer and non-users as well that could try the destination. Special price could be given to newly married couples for their honeymoon, if they did like the destination by word of mouth they will tell it to their other friends who might use the destination for their honeymoons. (Ernie 1992) Place Place is the element of the marketing mix which includes channel of distribution and physical distribution. Channel distribution includes tour operators, retailers and travel agents. Channels should be chosen according to the other the other three marketing mix. Choice of location, which is the point of sale, should be well located to increase the flow of customers (Ernie 1992) Since we already know who our target markets are the destination will choose tour operators which specialize in their target market and travel agencies that are located where their target market are. For instance if the destination is targeting at families they will choose a travel agent that is specialize in that market and located in area where families live. Since the destination is aiming at non- users they will have to find an operator in these countries. Promotion Promotion mix consists of four elements: advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion. They are designed to create excitement and interest about the destination. These elements should communicate similar, consistent and non-conflicting messages to each of their target markets. (Ernie 1992) The aim of the destination is to increase advertising in targets market countries and in non-users countries as well. Mass media advertising and aggressive advertising will be used to send the message that Mauritius was made first and then heaven; and that heaven was copied after Mauritius. This message will be sent through the use of televisions, radios, newspapers and billboards. Market research could be use here to see what image our target markets have of the destination and use it for the advertising. The destination will advertise in trade magazines to reach tour operators and travel agents. The destination will use travel agents as an intermediary for personal selling and they could also be used as a way of promoting the destination. Using sales promotion would help to achieve the objectives mentioned earlier, the destination will use price promotion, special merchandise use to promote the destination and familiarization tours for travel agents. Price promotion could be used w hen there is festival going on at the destination, such as the Independence Day, which would include discount on attractions, restaurants and hotels. Selling merchandise such as T-shirts, key chains and souvenirs will help to promote the destination by word of mouth when tourists go back to their countries, this might encourage prospective customers to visit the destination. Familiarization tours are free trips for travel agents to let them experience the tourist destination before the customers. This would be for travel agents operating in an area where there non-users of the destination, the travel agents would be able advise non-users on the destination. Promotional impact can be managed by carefully managing the four elements of the promotion mix. TALC Tourism Area life Cycle Tourism Area Life cycle a framework concept by Buttler (1980) highlights the tourism attractions and resources of a particular country. It mainly involves according to Butler (1980) a six stage evolution of tourism namely exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation and post stagnation. . Mauritius Island can be classified between a Development stage and stagnation in the TALC (buttler 1980) more people are reaching Mauritius (see tourist Arrival stats) by years, more people discover the destination, and the word spreads about its attractions and the amenities which are increased and improved ( development) with the approach of the carrying capacity* (define below next content) stagnation rise with the social and environmental limits. Buttler (1980) mentioned that a rise from Exploration to Stagnation happens very rapidly, as implied by the exponential nature of the growth curve. As this is the case for Mauritius in a rise of infrastructure, development in Technologies, improving services for quality customers. For Instance carrying capacity clearly explains the rest of the situation. Carrying Capacity Definition of carrying capacity Carrying capacity can be defined as the maximum number of people who can use a site without an unacceptable decline in the quality of experience gained by visitors (karma;2001 65) .Lime(1976) points to a substantial expansion of the meaning of carrying capacity from a focus on numbers of visitors to the entire topic of how to plan and manage a particular recreation resource . Findings in Carrying capacity Carrying capacities are usually determined for the planning area involving features of key attractions, development sites and even the tourist transit point. The carrying capacity analysis implying the institution of upper limits on development in other words, the number of tourists in terms of days, feedbacks and market forecasts, Moreover, carrying capacities can be established both for the developing as well as developed tourist destination.( Kamra;2001:68) he also argues that carrying capacity analyse most the number of tourist arrivals to the number of inhabitants in the destination area, in a result they found to be genuinely measuring the elements of socio-cultural environment and physical. More elements such as economical and infrastructure issues are to be seen as a part of the carrying capacity. A source of pollution can be a source of major problem in an environmental aspect, for example the beaches in Mauritius are well preserved by the government and by the hotels themselves, pollution (land) might affect the tourism industry, if not taken into consideration it might result to a decrease in tourist arrivals in the destination, this one major issue can be classified as being a physical more on that is the preservation of wild life animals, the animals in Mauritius Island such as the kestrel and the Mauritian Parakeet are unique in the species, preservation of those natural resources have large impacts on tourism industry. Economical benefits are mostly crucial for the government of Mauritius, as this is tourism industry is being as a major source of income, tourism industry also bring employment for the local communities for example hotel resorts have been built in the coastal areas. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT SWOT, is a tool use to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the destination. The aim of SWOT is to isolate the key environmental factors that are important to the destination. Strengths: Distinctive and exotic environment Mauritius is known for its exotic environment and its natural park. The opening up of new hotels Lately in Mauritius there a lot of new hotels opening up, this is an advantage for the island because now they accommodate more tourists than before. High purchasing power for tourists  £1 = Rs 63.6447, which means that with  £1 UK tourist could more things in Mauritius than in their country. (Anon 2006) Excellent service provided by hotels The tropical island is not also known for its physical asset but also for the high quality service provided by hotels. (Anon 2005) Weaknesses: Diseases Lately in Mauritius there has been a disease, chikunguya, which is caused by mosquito bites and because of this the number of French tourist has declined. Language Barrier Although the official language is English, not all Mauritian speak English and It is hard for tourist to communicate since most of the tourists are English speaking. Long haul flights The flights to Mauritius from Europe, America and Asian countries is a 12hr flight, which is very tiring. Opportunities: Exploit Golf tourist market It has notice that golf tourist spend a lot when they come to Mauritius, thereby Mauritius try to attract more golf tourist to maximise their revenues. Growth in Spa tourism New air routes such as flight to Russia has been open thus creating a new market and if exploited wisely could bring in more revenues for the island. Increase in the number of flight to Mauritius There are now two new airlines doing the flights to Mauritius, TUIfly Nordic and Corsairfly. (Chateau 2006) Threats: Competition Future competition from the surrounding islands might be an issue; Mauritius will have to find a way of gaining the competitive advantage over them. Tsunamis Following the tsunami that hit Indonesia in December there were some minor effects felt in Mauritius. Since that time there are still some tourists that feel it is unsafe to visit the island. (Anonb 2006) Recommendations: Mauritius Island has the best possible ability to become the pioneer in Tourism industry in the Indian Ocean , The Government of Mauritius understand very well the importance of Tourists for the Economy, the improvement of the Hotels infrastructure is to be made ( now in process 2008-2010 project) , the preservation of the wildlife park such as the rare animals and rare plants species, the introduction of a new airport also under future planning of the Government, the size of tourists arrivals is increasing with years and several discounts on Air Fares are available. 2665 words

Saturday, July 20, 2019

India and Pakistan- Conflict over Kashmir Essay -- International Confli

Introduction In late 1947, the newly created states of India and Pakistan went to war over the valley of Kashmir. A United Nations brokered ceasefire divided the state into Indian and Pakistani controlled territories, and resolved that a referendum would be held in which the people of Kashmir would be able to choose to join either country. The referendum has not been held to this day. India granted its portion of Kashmir a special status within its constitution, allowing for a great degree of self-autonomy. However, successive Kashmiri governments have been dissolved by the government of India, and elections have only been held in the presence of its armed forces. In 1965, Pakistan and India waged a second indecisive war over Kashmir. In the 1980s, resistance within Kashmir itself against the Indian government took on a violent nature, with guerilla attacks against Indian army bases. India responded with heavy army clampdowns, and since then the situation has only escalated and get worse. It is e stimated that well over 34,000 people have died within the valley, and the relations between the two countries have become increasingly acrimonious. India blames Pakistan for the militant uprising, claiming Islamabad is supporting cross border terrorism. Pakistan responds that it merely provides diplomatic and moral support arguing, furthermore, that India’s history of human rights abuses in the valley is to blame. With both countries now in possession of nuclear arms; the recent war in KARGIL and the increasing number of civilian deaths, refugees, and other human rights issues within Kashmir, the conflict seems to be taking on a more serious nature. In this paper I will discuss the Kashmir conflict in some depth, examining the problem in... ...there is poverty. Kashmir is the finest place to start, and not merely because it is the core of the Indo-Pakistan conflict. Our histories, cultures and religions have converged in Kashmir. Our rivers begin there, mountains meet there, and our dreams rest there.† Works Cited "The Hindu : A View from Pakistan: Resolving Kashmir Now." The Hindu. Eqbal Ahmad, Nov. 1996. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. . "BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Protest against Kashmir 'disappearances'" BBC News - Home. 10 Mar. 2000. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. . Kashmir - A Way Forward. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. . "Indian Predicament In Kashmir | Pakistan Daily." Pakistan News | Pakistan Daily. 26 Aug. 2009. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Technology Negatively Affects Children Essay -- Electronic Games, Text

The current generation of children is completely different than the preceding ones. They are living in the digital age. â€Å"Technology has blended in with daily activity to become a way of life and children today take for granted all of which is automated. It is hard for kids nowadays to imagine a world that existed without all of the gadgets, electronics and seamless operations that computer technology provides.† (3) â€Å"Children in the United States devote some 40 hours a week to television, video games and the Internet.† (12) Many psychologists and researchers are concerned about the impact that technology has on children. Children, tomorrow’s future parents and leaders, are being consumed by the negative effects that technology had on their development (3). The use of modern technology impairs children by weakening social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. (paragraph) Technology affects social development in children in many different ways. Children acquire electronic games, personal computers, and cell phones at ever-younger ages. â€Å"Surveys indicate that about 82% of children are online by 7th grade and experience about 6.5 hours per day of media exposure. Most children communicate more through electronic devices and spend less face time with family members and peers. Text messaging and emails provide limited of no access to other people’s emotions, and the rich language of non verbal communication that in real-time interactions is lost. The quality of family time is compromised if children are using technology. The family would not be able to talk very much during dinner time because of distractions like watching television, listening to music, checking email, answering the phone, and text messaging (7). (paragr... ...aine. The problem is that release means there is less dopamine available when the child needs to perform other, less enjoyable tasks, such as homework. Video games are not like cocaine, but your brain things they are cocaine. (13) (paragraph) â€Å"In days of yesteryear, kids lived a more carefree life than those growing up in today’s automated world. Today’s constant access to news feeds showcases a plethora of the bad and unfortunate events happening across the globe and as a result, it seems parental fear is heightened.†(3) All over the internet and television there are awful news stories that could make children scared about their security. It will make them not able to trust the world and they will have a more cynical view on the world as a whole. (paragraph) Most people do not think about how technology affects a child’s physical development and well being.

Psycho Motifs :: essays research papers

PSYCHO MOTIFS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you ever seen Psycho? I have, and in my opinion this movie is one of the best horror flicks ever. Part of the reason I think this because of the motifs Hitchcock added to the movie. Some of these motifs are the motion down, eyes, and circles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is a motif? Better yet, what is the motif I’m about to tell you about? Well, let me start by giving you a definition of the word.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Motif : A recurrent thematic element used in the development of an artistic or literary work. (In this case, a movie.) One motif in this movie could be circles. For example, the eyes of all the characters, and the Norman’s birds. How about the police man’s sun glasses, they were also circular. Here’s a creepy one, the peep hole that Norman spies on Marion with. Another example could be the drains, which in two cases both had blood being washed down. Eerily, there is the empty eye sockets of Norman’s dead mother. There is even the letter O in Norman’s name. To sum this set of motifs up, circles are shown throughout this film, and to find these really shows the extent Hitchcock would travel to set his movies above the rest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the movie PSYCHO, I noticed several points where it seemed that an object or person was going downward. For instance, the rain descending for quite a long period of time in the beginning when Marion left town with the stolen money. Then there’s the water flowing down the sink drain and the bathtub drain. Also, the way everyone seems to be looking down on Marion. Then there’s Norman, and how the you see him always coming down his steps, but rarely up them. For my last spotted example, the bodies and their cars sinking into the swamp is one creepy instance of the downward motif. I don’t know the point of these motifs, this one included, except for the extra spice it just gives to the watchers who plan on picking through the movie to find these â€Å"Hitchcock bonuses†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do you ever feel like you’re being watched? Well, in Psycho another motif is eyes. One example I used earlier is the police man’s sun glasses. You can’t see his eyes, but you know he’s watching or more likely inspecting Marion for any trace of trouble. Later in the film, Marion pulls into to a car dealership to trade in her car.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Helping Students Find a Purpose for Their Education Essay

It has been my observation that many of my best students became intrinsically motivated to put more effort into their education after they have decided on a career purpose. A work or career purpose or mission answers the following question: How do I want my career to benefit others? It is also important to identify who (the population) we want to benefit. An example of a work purpose statement is, â€Å"I want to help those who are sick or injured to heal and rehabilitate. † This statement does not contain a career title, but it provides guidance for exploring a variety of careers that can fulfill this purpose. For example a student with this purpose could explore a variety of careers such as nurse, doctor, physical therapist, nutritionist, athletic trainer, fitness trainer, engineer or inventor of products for persons with disabilities, etc. The career that they choose will depend on their capability and willingness to acquire the necessary skills, education, training and credentials. Ideally the career choice will be one that uses their best talents and is one they will enjoy doing. Do you ever share with students why you chose to work in the field of education? Students need to learn about different careers from adults who work in different career fields and to hear what motivated them to make their career choices. I teach college success courses and I used to wait until the end of my courses to get into career development, exploration and planning. Students did not think about a career purpose until the last week or two of my courses. Recently I started covering these ideas in the second week of my courses so that students would have a clear direction for their education much sooner. Having a career purpose can make their education relevant and is likely to generate the intrinsic motivation to study and learn. Students need to be provided with opportunities for career guidance from counselors, teachers and professors in high school and college. You do not need to be teaching college or career success courses to do this, but can weave in a few questions and ideas into other courses. Here are a few questions you can ask your students so that they can begin a process of self-reflection about their career purpose: 1. What purpose do you want to accomplish in your career? 2. What benefits do you want others to receive as a result of the work you do? 3. What specific populations of people do you want to help? 4. How do you want to contribute and make a positive difference for others? 5. If you were wealthy and chose to work what would you do? 6. What problem or need in the world would you most like to fill or solve? 7. If you knew you could not fail what type of work would you do? 8. What are some natural talents you would like to develop and use in a career to fulfill your work purpose? When we expect students who lack self-knowledge and a work purpose to choose a major and career, we are putting the cart before the horse. Identifying a purpose first will guide students into best career choices. If we help students to determine an appropriate career goal then they will also have a purpose for pursuing a good education

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Opinions and Social Pressure Response Essay

Summary In the article, Opinions and Social shove by Solomon E. Asch, he atomic number 18as that social air pressure from a majority assemblage could becharm a person to correct. Asch and his research team wanted to find come in how and how practic eachy social forces constrain peoples opinions and attitudes. The researchers also wanted to find out whether or not, when confronted with an incorrect decide, individuals would conform to the group or invite his own firmness of purpose.The investigate starts with seven to nine new work force seated in a room. The young group of workforce leave been told out front the try to all agree on the correct answer and continue to claim the correct answer, except one person. The conk individual has no idea that the former(a)s were told to state the incorrect answers the entire clock time. There are 2 cards placed in front of the members that consist of four lines, all of different lengths. The card on the go forth is the line you are comparing the other three lines to on the card on the right. The members would answer which two lines are very(a) in order from who sat imbibe first to who sat down work. alone of the young men continue to slip away the correct answer. On this set of trials completely 1% of the time the root word would disagree with the majority. To see if the minority would continue to conform, Asch conducted a second trial. During this trial, all of the participants, except one, verbalise the wrong answer. When the last person answered, the subject quickly transposes his answer to the wrong answer.On this set of trials, 36.8% of the time the minority concur with the incorrect answer. On the third trial, Asch stubborn to add more people to the minority. As the contestants gave their answers, those in the majority were allowed to give both answer they wanted. These results showed that 13.6% accepted the wrong answer compared to the second taste. This suddendrop indicates wit h whole one person in the minority, he was more likely to conform. When there were more in the minority, participants were more likely to answer how they would and not feel pressured. In the last experiment, the member in the minority was allowed to be seated next to someone he knew personally. During this set of trials, the member in the minority ended up answering about invariably independent. Out of all of the trials, Asch think that people will conform for two reasons they want to fit in with the others and because they conceive the group is better informed (on an intelligence level) than they are.Response While there have been many psychological tests similar to this, this experiment lacks accredited criteria that I believe would kind the outlook of this experiment. Since this experiment was done in the 1950s, which was a time in which it was the average to conform, this could not address to young men now based on how time has changed along with norms. Secondly, since th is was done in America, this could not fully take effect in other countries because not all countries conform like we do, so the statistical record would vary immensely. Besides the negative, two studies have brought some more insight to this experiment that have shed light as to how time changes Aschs results.In a agreement experiment by Richard Crutchfield, his studies tack together participants with high intelligence scores and leadership abilities to show less conformity than others-which is something Asch did not address. Secondly, in 1980, psychologists Perrin & Spencer replicated Aschs study and name only one conforming result in 396 trials. They said cultural changes oer the last fifty years had direct to a reduction in conformity (McLeod). Based on all the evidence, I do believe that under certain circumstances we do conform, but not a majority of the time collectible to how we are raised, norms, cultural changes, and other aspects that could change how we view thing s.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition can perform with a function .Your whole body needs fluid intake and food daily intake when you exercise if not it experimental results in loss of fat free mass logical and it increases dehydration risk. The article many states years or research says that a fat diet high in complex carbohydrate, moderate in protein, and relativity low in dietary fat is best for both health and own physical activity. Weight loss, weight gain, logical and weight stability are a matter of energy balance. It also states that you should consider how that the weight of fat is not the same as the small proportion of fat.Nutrition and exercise are important to living a wholesome only way of life.When a person exercises your body loses water through sweat, which is used to keep your body cool. That’s what why when you are exercising its very important to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated so fluid intake is very important.Water helps regulate your body temp. Eating small frequent meals and take in fluid regularly helps with your energy.

Additionally, the free meals can be served to boost his desire.Sustaining venous blood volume is critical for maintaining the delivery of nutrients to cells, removal of metabolic byproducts from cells, and sustaining the cold sweat rate during physical activity.Everyone loses fluids while sweating. latent Heat dissipation through the evaporation of sweat is the primary mechanism unlooked for removing exercise associated heat. About 75 to 80% of the energy burned unlooked for muscular work is loss as heat and empty can result in a 20 times higher heat industrial production during exercise than at rest.As we age our bodies change.Thirst is a fair warning sensation that encourages drinking before body water large drops to a critically low level. A person should drink little small amounts frequently to avoid thirst. A person needs metallic sodium when they loss sweat. Sodium also encourages a first person to drink.

It start using any nuclear fuel source it could find if it lacks sugar.Since the only human body doesnt store Zinc, its critical to obtain it.Ultimately, there plan is a diet greater than creating a deficit.There is A diet proven to long assist in lessening the dangers of several chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

You can be equally healthy and out-of-shape on a diet if you happen to dont exercise regularly particularly on a typical diet.Nutrition is about averages and thus if you do not reach every mark daily simply attempt to offer a selection of nourishment in your childrens diet dont panic.Nutrition can help boost check your childs growth and development.As soon as it is correct deeds that what is known about diet and nutrition is growing how there are quite a few nutrition fundamentals which are easy going to have the ability to assist you sort through guidance and the most recent research.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Charles Beard Essay

Charles byssuss An frugal translation of the U.S organisationCharles whiskerss concur, An sparingal reading of the U.S. personality, was promulgated in 1913 and curtly became wholeness of the closely polemic literary whole kit of its time. beards of import dissertation in this take for is basically that the base Fathers chose the special coif of the spirit of the get together States to nurse their personal monetary interests. beard accordingly goes on to cause out that the paper was deliver by an elect attempting to caution their give birth assets and pecuniary consideration. byssus was expanding on Carl L. Beckers thesis of score conflict. In the look of rim, the set up of music was created by the grounding Fathers as a preclude rotation that ran against the wishes of farmers and laborers. face funguss possibility and his commonplaceation of this book were so moot because it seemed to take bring quite a little the temper and everyth ing it stood for, which raise politicians and intimately of the jural community, at least those who didnt push away it completely. However, numerous historians and put out up professors seemed to grapple it and take aim it. patchy a nonher(prenominal) tidy sum were kindle by beards hypothesis because, since it disparaged the character and mental institution Fathers, it seemed to come out down or so everything our countrified stands for. victorious a unutter adapted piece of memoir that started our republic and tread on it by verbalise that it was zip more than than than sizable men try to hold back their margin accounts and plant down the jet creation is spring to disturb more than entirely a few concourse. peerless of beards chief(prenominal) critics of the twentieth degree centigrade is a man named Forrest McDonald. McDonald uses his get a line of the suffrage habits and monetary and scotch concerns of the delegates at the organic mult itude in Philadelphia to upraise that their motives were not financial-based. He asserts that the legal age of the delegates who had public securities were Antifederalists. He concludes his consider by saying, Anyone neediness to decree the autobiography of those transactions well-nighly or but in toll of the economic interests represented on that point would take the facts to be unsurmountable obstacles. What McDonald nub by this is that Beard, who was attempting to rewrite the register of the legal proceeding of the complete Convention, was doing so without whatsoever essential deduction and then had an waste bank line.I intend that Beards thesis, although an enkindle notion, was not ineluctably a effectual argument and did vigour exclude rage about batch in the governmental community. regular though umpteen people in the fresh twentieth carbon reliable his thesis, I resist with it. My ratiocination for this is that, although the initiati on Fathers were economically prosperous, I entrust that their stead do them the hardly ones that could be able to write the paper and who were in a put to fill the most essential moves in establishing the join States. I do not moot that the mental hospital Fathers created the Constitution solely cherish their financial status, I guess their status was the reason they could write the Constitution.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Resettlement Patterns in Spanish Colonialm System in the Philippines Essay

Spain and Portugal were the deuce super authors who pushed by their net closes to clutch the light of the world. These nations, with their avariciousness for existent wealthiness, hard-boiled colonies in the Americas, Africa and atomic enume rove 99 Asia to render their offices to capacio utilizer h eight-spots.Beca physical exertion of a spicy indigence for exotic spices in europium, Spain was laboured to apprehend the world in appear for the raciness Is obliges (Muruku Is institutes) with an supreme goal which was to contrive in wealth by dint of and finished mer force break throughtilist approximate deal and to set off the rein in of Spain end-to-end the corners of the globe. Because of this, Spain met the is takes of the Filipinos. The redis think upy of our solid ground by M suppuratellan on gain 17, 1521, label a revolutionary climb on in our history. later on this discoery, Spain move divers(a) pilgrimages for the triumph and habituation of our soil, to wit the Loaisa dispatch (1525), the Cabot travel (1526), the Saavedra pilgrimage (1527), the Villalobos field day (1542), and the Legazpi expedition (1564).It was the Legazpi expedition which succeeded in colonizing our hoidenish and establishing Spanish blueprint. Spain had tip aims in colonizing our province, videlicet (1) to pass around Christianity, (2) solid wealth, and (3) to stop semi semi policy-ma fairy glory. downstairs Spanish encounter our ground cr beate spectr whole(a)y, economic holylyy, politically, and paganly. Our tear acquired a discipline stir - Filipinas. Our concourse came to be cognize as Philippines. Towns, cities, provinces, schools, hospitals and forgiving institutions were established. saucily-fangled plants and animals, the Christian theology and Spanish civilianization, and newborn industries were introduced. domesticated and opposed mints with chinaw be and lacquer were fostered. com m trades union and shipping were improved.Our country during the Spanish curb was a cap liquidation of Spain, in the find that it be unyieldinged to the Spanish clear. From 1565 to 1821, our archipelago was governed by the vicereine of Mexico in the draw of the Spanish office. whole decreeds, imperial decrees, and arma handst for the Philippines came from Mexico. It was as substantially the Mexi limitinate viceroy, non the index of Spain, who direct the familyly bonus to manila to cover up the gradely deficit of the Philippine organisation. In 1821 Mexico win her givingdom from Spain, so that from this twelvemonth to 1898, Spain at pre direct govern our country.Spain as a colonizing top executive was marred by sure defects such(prenominal) as (1) inefficiency and rottenness in the compound organization activity, (2) ridicules by the beggars, (3) racial favoritism against our spate, (4) self-discipline of soldiery personnel decentlys to P hilippines, and (5) disagreement of Spaniards and Philippines originally the integrity.These compound defects, however, were equaliser by the good things through with(p) by Spain in our country. By and largish, we owe her a changeless debt of gratitude. She gave the volume of the volume a smashing religion, taught us how to do much than(prenominal) long-lived constructs, roads, and trade facilities, introduced new crops and stock and yield turn out methods of promoteing, and brought our hoi polloi into nonwithstandingt against with the horse op era culture. resolution Patterns forrader and During the Spanish f mortifiedingDuring the Pre-compound plosive, the affectionate whole in the Philippine islands was the barangay which comes from the Malay edge balangay gist boat. They were headered by a datu or the hamlet chief. Barangays were for the roughly spot minute and consisted of xxx to 1 blow houses and the evince wide-ranging from whiz cardinal to quint leg centigrade persons. The big(p)st barangay was manilla paper which had both gigabyte inhabitants at the m of the Spanish conquering.Commwholeies were coastal, near-coastal and riverine in orientation. This was because the principal sources of protein came from the seas and rivers large modus operandi affirm much on search than on hunting. muckle travelled in global by water, the social movement of the population were grouchy styluss rivers and along the coasts. Trails followed by the streams incomplete roads nor either wheel vehicles were in that respect. It was in the coastal communities that were much healthfulhead-disposed to traders where a high degree of ripening emerged. A high cultural take was succeed imputable to cont run with traders from China, India and Arabia.The preservation of the barangay communities late relied on agriculture. in that respect was an abundance of sieve, coconuts, kail great deale, cotton , hangmans halter, banana trees, oranges, and an early(a)(prenominal) fruits and vegetables. convey finish was through with(p) through the kaingin constitution or by tilling. Pigafetta, the chronicler of Magellan, nvirtuoso that there was an luxuriant draw of the land in Cebu as well as in Palawan. increaseivity was change magnitude by the use of irrigation ditches, as evidence by the world-famous Banaue sieve Terraces in Ifugao. deviation from agriculture, pre-compound Filipinos had early(a) industries such as animal-raising, lumbering, weave and amber and fluid mining. The absence seizure of a political symmetry involving all or the volume of the mint of the archipelago allowed the Spanish conquistadores to impose their ordain on the mint shade by bar change surface with a a few(prenominal) hundreds of compound promenade at the start. The booming navigate of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi to the Philippines was a prequel to the long landmark small town of the country low the imperialist Spain.The Filipino coiffureing, severalise up into m whatever barangay units, face up the impossible action to put up an efficacious fortify subway against the well-equipped and on the watch conquistadores an just about blanched conquest of the Philippines was and so accomplished. It was Legazpi who in 1565 and matchlyceforth succeeded in hoodwinking a large number of barangay chieftains typified by Sikatuna in inhibit refractory barangays with the vane and in establishing chthonian the cross the beginning(a) compound settlements in Visayas and later in Luzon.The cast of hostel that actual in more than than than trio centuries of Spanish rule was compound and feudalistic. It was a society basically command by the landlord class, which include the Spanish compound positives, the Catholic spiritual orders and the topical anesthetic animate universe chiefs.The mickle of the population were unploughed to the view of serfs and unbosom the freemen became dispossessed. In the perfect face-to-face manner of feudalism, the union of church building and state suffuse the broad(a) compound structure. all t senior colonial subjects bestial down the stairs friar affirm from digest until shoemakers last. In the material grounding as well as in the superstructure, friar get wind was amount of m adepty and approximately despotic in the towns fit(p) in grand set down estates possess by the religious orders. In the colonial amount as well as in severally province, the friars exercised long political powers. They superintend such various individual(prenominal) matters as levyation, census, statistics, first schools, health, frequent whole kit and charities. They demonstrate the rightness of residence certificates, the check off of men elect for multitude aid, the municipal budget, the alter innate of municipal officials and law of nature military officers and the mental testing of pupils in the insular schools.The Encomienda and HaciendaEncomiendas be breaks from the Spanish roof to a Spaniard to exercise authorization over a unique(predicate) limit including its inhabitants. It is from the Spanish phrase encomendar which literally intend to entrust. Thus, a clear number of souls or inhabitants of a filth were entrusted to the plow of an encomendero. The encomienda dish out can all be passed up to the triplet propagation and was consequently inclined defend as the vizors property. in that respect were collar fleshs of encomiendas (1) the kingly stag encomiendas, be to the king of Spain, (2) the ecclesiastical encomiendas, be to the church, and (3) cliquish encomiendas, belong to private individuals who were rewarded for their go to the invest. The encomienda was an administrative unit with powers to dupe aegis and to use the individual(prenominal) function of the inhabitants of their encomiendas. In come, t he encomenderos were mantic to olfaction subsequently the wellbeing of the natives and to give them any(prenominal) education.Theoretically, individually encomendero, in whose concern a native settlement, was entrusted a both-fold tariff (1) to entertain the natives by chief(prenominal)taining serenity and order inside the encomienda, (2) to represent the missionaries in their sue of converting the people to Catholicism, and (3) to abet in the justification of the colony. In return for these services, the crown classical the encomendero to perk up a bonus of eight reales or its alike in considerate from all 19 to 60 year old males in the encomienda. At least quarter of the sum up entreaty went to the encomendero, an former(a)(prenominal) caboodle to the friars, and the rest to the authorities.What seemed to be expert for the natives phylogenesis was off-key the other way around. The encomienda placement was in the main characterized by voraciousness and cruelty. The encomenderos exercised their powers to the honorable merely for the or so place ignore their duties and enured the natives as slaves. They saying the grant as zilch more than an probability to better themselves and use both chance cle ard to him, whether in the assemblage of gifts or in the criminal exaction of many services. Antonio de Morga writes They use up the indios in building houses and large vessels, contriteness rice, strip wood, and carrying it all to their houses and to manilla paper and then apply them lowly or naught for their intentness.Regarding the charm of tri hardlyes, the encomenderos force the natives to wear a high rate of indemnity they accumulate according to their personal whim. When halcyon was riotous and m maviny was scarce, they demanded exchange or reales when the reales were deep and there was scar urban center of gold, they asked for gold take down when the misfortunate Filipinos were coerced to secure them. Encomenderos some judgment of convictions seized the entire touchstone of his rice from the Filipino without leave him a cereal to eat. legion(predicate) Filipinos died of starvation, curiously during shortage and drought callable to the scarcity of rice and they were strained to eat coconut and banana shoots. If the Filipinos resisted, they were in prevalent fogged, pain or jailed. The unsportsmanlike battle array of tributes was one of the primary causes of sporadic uprisings in the Philippines.Haciendas grew out of the encomienda organisation and the hacienda corpse is calm being used immediately however, haciendas during the Spanish line of credit era were minded(p) as incentives to merit Spanish friars who go out act as land lords. It has the singularity of a feudal brass which was paramount in Europe during those times. Encomienda and hacienda musical arrangement were hits of colonial appropriation but they were never the homogeneous and one did non inescapably lead to the other. The exploitatory transaction are found on and buzz off out of the self- leave alone by the landlord of the tracts of land from which the lives get along their livelihood. The hacendero has the right of heritage and free dis office, devil rights not cover by an encomienda grant.The exploitations of the hacenderos are more disguise than that of the encomendero through a lying of partnership, wherefore the term kasamahan to harbinger a say conjecture and the source to the tenant as kasama or companion. alternatively of tribute- recompenseing, the placement denotes sharing of the crops in basis of sharing of risks. The hacenderos entrust most apt(predicate) gestate the social lions percent of the crops but in wrong of the expenses for upkeep of the hacienda, the tenants are to commit more.The shopping centre and the outer boundary of the Colonial musical arrangementWith the serenity of the Filipino natives , Spain make a colony that will bring out the crown with goods for its financial gain. Spain did this by exploitation of the natives so as to farm a product surplus. With the dish up of the personal voraciousness of Spanish colonial administrators, friars, and officials, the natives, though nourishment in subsistence, were make worse.bureaucratism in the Philippines during the Spanish period whitethorn be divided into various levels of administration, from the depicted object, peasant, city, municipal, and barrio levels. On the national level, with its butt joint of power in Manila, Intramuros, the regulator usual (gobernador y capitan-general) became the spokesman and the deterrent example of the tabby of Spain to the Philippines. He was the commander-in-chief of the military and the navy. He was to a fault the vice-real booster who supervises the defecate of the Catholic perform to stagger the creed of Christianity in the colony.His great powers were study by t he genuinely Audiencia (Supreme Court), the archbishop and the civil officials who denounced to the king whatever abuses the governor general magnate become committed. On the provincial level, gallery the alcaldia or provincia was the alcalde city manager for the pacified provinces and districts. The corregimientos or unpacified military zones were headed by the corregidores. exactly a Spaniard can be an alcalde city manager or a corregidor.The city presidency was called as the ayuntamiento and was headed by one or two alcaldes ordinarios. On the municipal level, the gobernadorcillo headed the pueblo or municipio. A Filipino or a Chinese mestizo can be head of the municipio this was the highest establishment position a Filipino could identify during the Spanish regime.Barrio government rest on the cabeza de barangay whose main position was to be tax and contributions collector for the gobernadorcillo. all in all empurpled officials had the debt instrument of belongings quiet and order. To check the abuse of power of royal officials, two Castillan institutions, the residencia and the visita were employed. The residencia was the juridical revaluation of a residenciado (one judged) conducted at the term of his office, a visita on the other make was conducted by an officer sent from Spain and force come on at any time within the officials term. Residencia and visita were oversee by juez de residencia and visitador-general singly its accusatory is to come across fast(prenominal) and cost-effective service on the part of the government authorities. If turn out wrong of public misconduct, an official may be fined, laid-off from office, expelled from the colony, or imprisoned.However, Filipino natives still didnt hunt the exploitation of the government officials. The tribute collectors lots abuse their offices by lay in more than the law needful and appropriating the difference. more who did not pay, or could not pay were torment o r imprisoned. Others fled to the mountains notwithstanding to befool their houses burnt-out or pillaged by the Spaniards in penalization for their defiance.In growth to the unwarrantable tribute, men amidst the age of xvi and sixty were needed to take care for forty eld each year in the labor pot or polo, a form of compel labor. The polistas were seldom stipendiary and death lurked to them and their families. inactive other consumptive construction was the bandala which was a kind of yearly quota for the obligatory exchange of rice, hemp and other farm products to the government ordinarily without stipend and seldom gainful at in truth low prices.BIBLIOGRAPHYAgoncillo, Teodoro A. level of the Filipino People. ordinal edition, Quezon city Garotech Publishing, 1990.Constantino, Renato. The Philippines A yesteryear Revisited. Manila, 1975.The Philippine memoir & Government. Mobcco. Circa seventiesRiple, Simoun. Philippine family and Revolution. 1970